Pure wool Patch-felt sheet (20 x 30cm)

De Witte Engel

009 Red Patch

Patchfelt is a 100 % woollen oekotex certified felt. The felt contains various woolfibers which creates a magnificent effect while dyed. The used safe Swiss dyes in combination with the composition of the felt gives the colour-combinations an antique look.

Made from 100 % wool from South American and European sheep breeds and manufactured in Europe. PatchFelt material is mulsing free. This 100 % woollen felt contains 70 – 100 % Merino wool combined with other soft European wool types.

Our felt sheets weighs ca. 450 gram per meter. 

Product details

Materials: 100% wool
Size: 20x30cm, ↕ 1-1.2 mm
Made in the Netherlands

The Importance of Handwork

The emphasis on working with our hands is a unique and central feature of Waldorf education. Besides training basic skills such as hand-eye coordination, basic math concepts (e.g. counting, geometry), and the ability to concentrate for an extended time, handwork also brings many less obvious benefits. In the handling and preparation of natural materials, respect is fostered. The aesthetic taste is exercise in design and color choice. Quiet confidence is gained upon the completion of a project. The balanced development of hands, head, and heart are important for both children and adults.

About De Witte Engel

De Witte Engel ("The White Angel") designs and produces unique innovative textile hobby and craft products made from natural raw materials. They are located on the island of Texel in North Holland.

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