Illustrated Mini-Playsilk

Sarah's Silks

Autumn Fairy

Small playsilks just right for little hands! (3 and up)

Perfect for younger kids in creative play and popular in dance classes. 

Here are some ways we see little ones play with them:

  • As doll house rugs and blankets
  • Peek-a-boo
  • Green for a cow's grass
  • Blue as a lake to sail a boat on
  • In a pot to stir as soup
  • Dancing and waving around to music
  • Tie a pouch
  • As a tablecloth
  • Wrap a little present

Size: Approx 53x53 cm each (21"x21")
Materials: 100%silk
Silk made in Suzhou, China and dyed and packaged in California, USA
Hand wash, hang dry, iron to restore shine

About the Artist

Michelle Marie is an artist and illustrator currently nestled in the green mountains of Vermont with the love of her life and their two little humans. She attended Ringling College of Art and Design and received her BFA in Illustration.

About Sarah's Silks

Creative play is what Sarah’s Silks is all about. Their toys are simple, beautiful, and open-ended inspiring children to use their imagination in their daily lives. Pretending is the way children learn best and how they process life experiences. When children are given simple props, they use their imaginations to "fill in the blanks"; so a playsilk easily becomes water to sail a boat on, a sling to hold their doll in, a cape to fly with, and so much more.

Sarah's Silks are used in programs all over the world in play therapy for children who have suffered hardships. The California-based company is run by Sarah the founder and her husband and 3 sons.

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