Watercolor Card - Hello


HK$40.00 HK$20.00

These dreamy, romantic watercolor occasion cards were created by Suzanne and Edgar from An Open Sketchbook all the way in North Carolina, USA. Their beauty took us by breath and we just have to share them with you.

  • Size: 10.8 × 14.0 cm (4.25" x 5.5") folded
  • Material: Printed on 150 gsm FSC paper
  • Inside: Blank
  • Envelope: With a white envelope
  • Origin: Designed and printed in USA

About Copaperie

Bold color, playful patterns, and luxurious paper are the essence of Copaperie Hong Kong, which was founded by Chloe Suen to revitalize the under-appreciated art form of written correspondence, by adapting it to our modern, mixed-cultures lifestyles and infusing it with a big dose of fun. Her hope is that everyone will grow old with a heavy, dusty box of written correspondence as beautiful as their memories.


這夢幻而浪漫的水彩卡源於Suzanne和Edgar一路在美國北卡羅萊納州(North Carolina, UA) 遊歷的速寫本。它的美麗已出乎我們的想像,我們要把它與你分享。

  • 尺寸:摺疊時10.8×14.0厘米(4.25“×5.5”)
  • 材料:以150克FSC紙印製
  • 內裡:空白
  • 信封:伴隨白信封
  • 原產地:在美國設計並印製


Copaperie由Chloe於2013年成立,專注於設計起用大膽顏色、破格圖案和超高質紙材的社交文具,給尊重傳統、有品味的都市人一個嶄新 選擇。每年為家人準備生日卡、寂寞時收到朋友寄來的長信、收到別人慶祝生命中重要時刻的優雅請帖 - 這些都是Chloe深愛傳統文具的根源。她希望每個人到耄耋之年時,都有一大箱美麗的手寫信札,作為封塵回憶的憑證。

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